“Rule of Law Checklist at National Level: The Case of Ukraine” Handbook Presentation
10 november 2021
November 27, 2020. The handbook “Rule of Law Checklist at National Level. The Case of Ukraine” was officially presented.
This handbook was the result of special research conducted by the Rule of Law Research Centre. Experts of the Center have made the relevant applied research regarding the instruments of practical implementation of the rule of law and its elements in Ukrainian political and legal reality. The research was supported by the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission) and Council of Europe Office in Ukraine.

The participants of the event included representatives of Ukrainian law schools, Supreme Court justices, other courts’ judges, representatives of prosecution bodies, experts and practicing lawyers. The results of the research of the Center will stimulate further development of instruments aimed at comprehending the essence and content of the rule of law as well as of its components in process of making decisions in legal drafting and norms application.
Handbook text: in Ukrainian, in English.